


Notas de ausencia


Design, music, poetry and academic extracts selections: Marianne Teixido.

Twitter bot and markov bot development: Dorian Velázquez.

Data processing and web development: Marianne Teixido, Dorian Velázquez, Emilio Ocelotl.

Notas de ausencia it’s a generative web essay, passing data to a computer as in a resignifying agent, deconstructing discursive structures that resemantics the narratives about the disappearing of woman in Mexico and Latin America. Both virtual space and time makes up a sheet for the recall and denunciation, the narrative, semi autonomous, argues from feminist tweets, poetry, books and articles that explain from a theoric perspective, forced dissapearing, feminicide and gender violence.
Shown up as texts, images and sounds. The narrative of the art piece it’s assembled between two bots. the first one, that shares tweets and finds with hashtags like :